hi friends,
i hope that you are having a wonderful april monday. i just want to say that this blog is so fun. i ran into ryan today at the coffee shop (surprise, surprise) and he helped me add some links and things to my blog. i hope you enjoy them, some are more serious, and some are not. there are prayer requests that i will change often, a Bible verse of the week or month depending on how i feel. also there are links to websites like strongbad emails (funny), tetris, john piper's site: desiring God, bebo norman's site, and a color site that tells you the html code for your templates.
also, after that comes "check us out!" my friend's blogs, then a couple things that are "coming up", countdowns to when pete and i move and the day i graduate (or at least walk with my class, i have two more summer classes)!
so look around and enjoy, if you have a prayer request, please leave a comment, because i read them all!
thank you for being encouraging, God bless
YES!! I'm so psyched that everyone is getting into the BLOG! SOO glad you let me know you have one! HOORAY!!!
Oohh, I'm so happy you are blogging. I don't talk with you as much as i should and at least this way I will have a better idea of what is going on in your life. I will look forward to reading your blog and being encouraged.
well hello there! i like your "new changes to site," but i really didn't know what the "old" one was like so...i'm lost. well see you tomorrow
Amy, I love the links along the side. I will have to have Ryan help me when he gets here. Where are you moving? I thought you had an amazing house... or so I have heard from my family... you will have to take some pictures and post them so that we can see the old and new house... for those of us that are far far away.
Welcome to the blog world. I'm so happy to see my name on there... even if it is with 3 t's in my name. LoL I hope all is well, say hello to pete for me. Look forward to seeing you all come June. There will be another Turner sighting in Ogden, looks as if this time i'll be grounded there for a while.
the blog looks great amy!!!
so glad to be able to keep up with you and pete. wish i could be there to hang out with you all when you move into the new house.
have a great day!
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