life update

today pete and i went to the dr. to see how baby g was doing. i haven't had an ultrasound in a long time (maybe 5 wks) so i was very excited. the baby is a healthy size, 4 1/2 lbs. or so. she is still a girl, has a good size head, abdomen, and thigh bone (femur?). her head is facing down which is a relief for me and hopefully she stays that way. she is expected to gain 1/2 lb. every week and possibly be around 7 lbs. at the end. my blood pressure is good and i have gained a healthy amount of weight (no i won't put it on here.) so there are seven or so weeks left until baby g arrives and i am getting more excited every day and more uncomfortable every day as she grows bigger. 

the school year is coming to an end. only 5 1/2 weeks left! ahhhh. i planned out what i would do the rest of the year and there is not enough time to fit in everything i wanted to do - which happens every year. some day i will figure out what to fit in and what to leave out, but for now i will do my best to make the rest of the year fun and still give good learning experiences for my students. side note- i can't go to lagoon day this year and i am sad about that. it was so fun to have a day to be around the students without the pressure of the classroom. i could go i guess, but at 81/2 months pregnant it would not be fun to sit out in the heat under the pavilion all day guarding everyone's stuff. so, i will stay at school and hopefully get a lot of grading done. 

last week my school had spring break and i spent almost the whole week reorganizing my house and getting rid of things we don't need or use anymore. i even got pete to clean out the garage - it looks great now. the baby room is all ready to hold all the baby's things, the garage now holds the four boxes of "childhood memories" of mine that used to be in the baby room, and the office closet is reorganized and looking great. 

i also got a hair cut and a pedicure last week which was well past due. 

next on the list: baby shower, two may weddings, 5 year anniversary, mother's day, both brother's birthdays, finish school, get bella a shave, and do my best to be comfortable in all situations. 
two picture updates: 

family after Easter church service

tulips that are still hanging on after the april snow storm

so far


i woke up around 8
ate coco puffs for breakfast
checked facebook 
watched the morning news on fox 13
took bella outside and fed her breakfast - she didn't eat it
got ready for the day
made the bed
took bella outside - yes in the rain
went to grounds for coffee
read my Bible for the day - luke 9, Jesus sent out the 72 and joshua 21-23 more land being split up among the tribes
received a call from the dr.'s office - my appointment was moved to next week because she had two deliveries today and she will be out of town the rest of the week
watched people at the coffee shop - they talked about dave ramsey and some weird parasite that looks like a cross and can make your body "rise" from the dead in three days - i didn't understand it all but it was weird
put in my headphones finally
made a rainy day genius mix
uploaded lots of photos to facebook (most were already on my blog)
thinking about lunch
going home to clean out the baby room and get rid of some things! 
dinner with pete
accountability with the girls

that is my day, hope you have a great day 

birthday and baby shower

today i am 25 years old! so far i have received wonderful gift cards from my loving hubby (i didn't know what i wanted so he got me something from my favorite stores), many texts from friends, and my work day is half over. tonight i am participating in a school fundraiser for the quiz bowl team (the teachers are going to win for sure) after that, it is largely unplanned but i will hang out with pete no matter what we end up doing. 

this week i also had a baby shower given by one of our secretaries in the office from the whole staff. it was a joint baby shower because our other secretary, bethany, is pregnant due may 8th. we had a great time and it was really fun to see the male teachers react to all the ladies' sighs and ooos and awwwws. 

pictures from the shower:

susan's daughter decorated this cake for us
gift table, my foil balloon came undone and is currently 20 feet up on the ceiling, oops. 
there was baby confetti and this little cards with parenting related Bible verses on them
sample of the friends that joined us
bethany and me - we had fun opening gifts for sure
i laid the gifts out at home to take pictures before i put them away - i knew you would want to see! the essentials, hangers, super bib, ear thermometer, diaper genie refill (now i just need the diaper genie), and some lotion for me. also notice the easter bunny in the photos. 
I received 5 outfits/dresses and a bath robe that has a giraffe complete with giraffe ears and horn things on the hood. 

purple shirt and pants from target with matching hat and booties, my favorite. also a pair of "baby legs" leggings. 
this was a gift bag that made me laugh because everyone said it looked like me. it is my profile picture on facebook that is how much i like it. i hope i have better posture than her. 

i am grateful for this fun week and i pray you are having a good day too.