a prayer for us

"Gracious, all-knowing Father,
we praise You for Your infinite wisdom,
and for Your wise and holy purposes that
govern all You do, and all You permit to be done.
We rejoice and take heart from the precious
truth that nothing befalls us but by Your
loving will toward us Your children.
We pray that You will protect Your church
from harmful error, and lead Your flock
in the path of truth.
Expose our idols, O God.
And grant us to treasure Christ
above all things.
In His name, we pray,
John Piper, Life as a Vapor

work weekend

this week is the end of the first quarter at chs. the last day is thursday which means we get a day off on friday! i was so excited to have a day off (i still am), but i think i will be spending the whole weekend grading because report cards are due monday morning! i will be sleeping-in friday at least. if you have homework or something non-exciting, come to the coffee shop and hang with me! we will make it exciting. i think i will cut the grading off at 6 pm every night, so if there is anything going on, pete and i would like to come. thanks for reading, but i want to know how you are doing. leave me a comment on what you plan to do this wonderful fall weekend!

posting is fun, you should try it some time

this post goes out to all of you, my friends who have not posted in a month or so! i want to know what is going on in your lives, no matter how dull or boring, or post unworthy you may think it is. take me for instance... i have no idea what to blog, so i am blogging about your unblogging! so this post is for you: julie, i realize that claire's wedding was good, but you have since moved back to cali and started school again; meredith, if you are not going to post, tell me, but i want you to; micah, your bike is great, but what else is goin' on; whitney, it's cold now, softball has to be over, what's new? carrie, warning to you, in three days it will have been a month for you. matthew, good job updating us on your new life, keep it coming. sarah, you barely made it because you posted as i was writing this. and micah or whoever posts on the sickreviews besides me - do it because my reviews are not that good!

that is all, i just like to read what is going on in your life, sorry if i do not have an interesting post but i did post.

homework, girls, and singing

this weekend i did not get as much homework completed as i had planned on. i actually did not even finish one whole assignment. sad. but i did get to hangout with my family more than usual. i had lunch with my mom and sister on saturday, then we had dinner as a family that night. i also went to a wedding shower sunday with my mom and sister and all the other girls from my family. all my cousins are crazy like me so it was a great time of silly laughter and singing. we sang in the car on the way down as well as at the party! it was crazy and i loved it. i am now going to have to work on homework on monday and tuesday, but my weekend was much needed and fun.
"Gracious Father, grant me a lowly spirit of gratitude.
Make me feel the preciousness of past grace.
Give me an honest memory of mercy.
Forgive me for the pride of unremembered
gifts and callous thanklessness.
Waken faith in my wavering soul
and give me strong confindence
in your solid promises.
Where past and future meet
make me humble and bold.
In Jesus' name and for His sake,
(Taken from John Piper's book, Life as a Vapor, page 51.)

i want a weekend getaway!

who wants to go away for the weekend and not think about anything but being away? me, pick me, i do!
i am at work trying to plan, but i cannot focus. my mind is constantly thinking of things i have to do... things at work, school, and home. i wish sometimes i could just sit back, listen to my favorite music (maybe jennifer knapp, kansas; or late tuesday) drink some coffee, wrapped in a blanket on the back porch with the cool crisp air blowing on my face. i want to go somewhere and not have to do homework or school work, but i also don't want to think about it either. i don't know how to turn my mind off.

please pray that i can find some quite time on the back porch this weekend free of thinking, just being. thank-you, that is all.