"Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience," Colossians 3:12
Christmas is coming
any-who, I hope you can take time this month to read God's word and dwell on what it means for us that He would humble himself and come to earth to dwell and redeem us all.
Merry Christmas
dear Lord...
dear Lord, thank you for my day and for mommy to go to the dentist and for dad to go to work. thank you for me and ben dear Lord.... Jesus, amen.
it was so precious i had to stop my journaling and write this post before i forgot what she had said. i love that my little girl is learning to thank Jesus for her life and to talk with Him at any time.
so much yet so little
the wedding time, she comes
i hate earwigs
slept in and feeling tired
exercise dilemma
night time is stressful sometimes
sweet prayers
hearing her sing
Good Friday to you
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
"When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride.
Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,
Save in the death of Christ my God!
All the vain things that charm me most,
I sacrifice them to His blood.
See from His head, His hands, His feet,
Sorrow and love flow mingled down!
Did e’er such love and sorrow meet,
Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
His dying crimson, like a robe,
Spreads o’er His body on the tree;
Then I am dead to all the globe,
And all the globe is dead to me.
Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were a present far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all."
-Issac Watts (1707)
"oodalally, oodalally, golly what a day!"
my new eye glasses

laundry room makeover
blogging while making lunch
book list - 2010

~last 4 "left behind" books (the remnant, armageddon, the glorious appearing, the kingdom)
january started off with a bang. mostly because i was reading super easy reads from a series i had started in high school and never finished. i loved these books, even though they are a bit cheesy and of course fiction. i get that the rapture and following events may not be anything like these books but they were interesting and fun to read.
~culture shift -al mohler
a shorter book that is a collection of essays written by al mohler about various topics that are hot issues in our society today like abortion, birth control, education, and many others. it got me thinking about what i believe and in one instance even led me to research more and make a big life decision for our family.
~why we’re not emergent by two guys who should be - cluck and deyoung
a funny yet thoughtful book about the "christian emergent" movement and why it is not biblical nor helpful
~shepherding a child’s heart -tripp
one of the only parenting type books i have read so far but definitely one of the best written approaches to loving and disciplining your kids that i have heard. if you are a parent (no matter the age of your kid) or going to be a parent i recommend this book highly. he explains what he believes to be biblical discipline and getting to the heart of your child's behavior, not just addressing the action but the why behind it. i plan to read this again soon (as i didn't retain as much as i would have liked)

~treasuring God in our traditions -noel piper
i guess this book would count as another parenting/family book. my mom gave it to me for mother's day and i loved it. noel addresses different traditions in our culture (and some of their families own traditions) and talks about the need to have the things we do and why we do them point to God and His greatness. it really got me thinking, especially about christmas and easter, and hopefully our family will benefit from me reading this book and being more intentional about our traditions we celebrate.
~till we have faces -c.s. lewis
i had read this book once before and this was the second time. i still love it. it is a mythological story set in perhaps the middle ages. it has characters that everyone can identify with and is a fast read that really hits you in the face with the "punch line" of the story. great book
~forgotten God -francis chan
the women of our church read this together during the summer and met once a month to discuss. i really like his approach to how we as a culture think about God and why we need to break out of our normal habits and let God lead us.
~the hiding place -corrie ten boom
this is another book i had read before but i think it was in high school
. i have learned so much more about the holocaust since then that i believe the book was even better this time. i love reading about people's stories of struggle, bravery, and survival during that time. i recommend this book highly. the movie is good too, but read the book first :)
~the toddler owner's manual -kuhn and borgenicht
this last one was because i needed one last book and had already read part of it. mike bought it for us when jane was born and it is a funny book. it talks of toddlers as if they are a piece of equipment like a vacuum or computer. they are referred to as a "unit" and the book talks about upgrades from baby to toddler. it actually has helpful information for first time parents because it talks about things you might not have thought much about like travel, nutrition, and moving from a crib to bed or potty training.
so that's my year's list. i hope you enjoy and this year (2011) i am focusing on reading more of the Bible and maybe a parenting or wifey type book here and there. thanks for reading!