so here it is... my weirdness, as a result of being tagged. things that should stay with me but i will tell a few to you.
1. i count things in my mind all the time. like if there are candies out on a table, i look at them and before i know it i am counting them. when i am at work, if i am in a room full of children, i count them (usually for safety reasons) but the weird part is i count them again not two minutes later, (even if there are only three) when nothing has changed. so number one weirdness, i count random things over and over.
2. (it was hard to think of these, so there may not be six) i smell things a lot. i love smells, perhaps my favorite sense, but it is weird. i smell my food before eating it. i smell my skin randomly to see if i still smell like my lotion or perfume. i smell people if they are standing too close, so if you don't want me to smell you, don't stand too close (especially if you have perfume or cologne).
3. this one is a bit of a stretch because mat said i wasn't allowed to use ones that have been done by someone else. i have routines for everything i do! so kimber's shower thing, i do that, and meredith's routine stuff, i do that too. i pretty much have a routine for everything. even the steps to getting in my car and driving go in the same order every time (down to get in turn key, then close door, put on seat belt, then check mirrors, then drive away) silly i know, but i do it for everything, just watch me set up my computer at the coffee shop and it is the same every time!
4. i also get overly excited for small things. many people may think i am being sarcastic by how excited i get over the dumbest subjects or activities, but i'm not. so if i get excited over going to the store, it's okay, i am just that way.
5. i don't like the doctor. i like the dentist, and i don't mind the eye doctor, even the "girl" doctor. but i get so nervous to go to just the normal doctor for a check up. even if i'm sick i don't go to the doctor until it's really bad because i am hoping it will go away before i have to go to the appointment. i really just don't like it.
6. i can't think of anymore, so this one is up to you. if you know of a weird thing i always do, just post it in a comment, or tell me next time i see you. that would be fun to know what others say.
so there it is, i already tagged others and good job on the weirdness. i like finding out what others do, because those are the things that make us unique.
have a great holiday, amy-g
"Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience," Colossians 3:12
tag, you're it!
okay, so there is now a little game of tag going on in the blog world. i will uphold my end of the deal, but i don't have enough time right now and i want to tag my friends who haven't been taken. so here's the deal... the rules are, once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with "6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself." in the end you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged and list their names. don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read yours. for a sample of what this looks like, go to claire's site (on my check it out section) i will post this friday hopefully, things are a little crazy, which would be my first habit, i can't really say no, but i am getting better! anyway.... mat, ryan, meredith, jen, sararah, and leah, you have all been tagged by me, show us what you've got!
have a great day, look forward to finding out your habits and weirdness.
have a great day, look forward to finding out your habits and weirdness.
still here
just so you all know, i am still posting, and my weekend was filled with fun and i even have some pictures. the problem is that the cable to download the pictures from my camera is in a box somewhere in my basement, but i will find it! this week is hectic with school, and i don't know how many times i will be able to post, but for sure when the pictures can be downloaded you will see the fun we (me, pete, mat, sarah, glendon, and my mom) had on our hike up waterfall canyon on sunday, it was beautiful! have a great week, and i have a prayer request if you remember. my friend "e" needs some prayer for some hard times in her life right now. she is visiting utah, and i will talk with her on thursday, so pray that i can be an encouragement, and she can lean even more on God and His comfort during this time. thanks,
regular joes
in my studies this week, i have discovered that the disciples were just like you and me, a bunch of regular old joes. i have always known that, but never really looked at why. peter, andrew, james, and john were fishermen. levi/matthew was a tax collector. philip was from the same town as peter and andrew (bethsaida) and philip in effect recruted nathanael who was later called by Jesus when he came to see him. (their calling is recorded in john 1:43-51)
anyway, what i am trying to say is that there was nothing very different about that group of 12 guys. they had jobs and families. we have jobs and families. the cool part, we don't have to leave ours to devote ourselves to following Christ. i pray that you will be encouraged as i was and please if you need something good to read, read matthew 1o (the whole chapter). it is what Jesus told His disciples before He sent them out to do His work! think about this during your conversations with others, "And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." so may you be encouraged as a disciple of Christ to live as one who carries his cross, for God and His glory is infinitely more important than anything else we know!
anyway, what i am trying to say is that there was nothing very different about that group of 12 guys. they had jobs and families. we have jobs and families. the cool part, we don't have to leave ours to devote ourselves to following Christ. i pray that you will be encouraged as i was and please if you need something good to read, read matthew 1o (the whole chapter). it is what Jesus told His disciples before He sent them out to do His work! think about this during your conversations with others, "And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." so may you be encouraged as a disciple of Christ to live as one who carries his cross, for God and His glory is infinitely more important than anything else we know!
think about this!
this post is a warm-up for some up and coming posts. the Bible study that pete and i go to is really good, full of learning, and fellowship, and of! anyway the part i want you to think about is our next topic mostly for this summer. we are going to be studying the life of Christ and how we can strive to be as He was, as well as some parables.
the subject for next week to jump start our brains, is not the birth, but the calling of the disciples. Christ had friends just like you and me, and He took them everywhere (almost) with Him. so why did He pick those men? what qualities did they bring to the team, or was it just for kicks (of course not). anyway, think on this, and i will post more this week on what i find in my studies, and look forward to your comments.
i'm enjoying summer classes by the way, have a great day filled with God's beauty in whatever you do.
the subject for next week to jump start our brains, is not the birth, but the calling of the disciples. Christ had friends just like you and me, and He took them everywhere (almost) with Him. so why did He pick those men? what qualities did they bring to the team, or was it just for kicks (of course not). anyway, think on this, and i will post more this week on what i find in my studies, and look forward to your comments.
i'm enjoying summer classes by the way, have a great day filled with God's beauty in whatever you do.
the topic today- respect (which i can't spell without singing the song in my head). today is the second anniversary of my marriage to pete. in honor of that, i read ephesians 5.22-33 during my devotions. of course i paid a bit more attention to the information for wives than i did for the husbands. this passage hit me differently today than any other time i have read it. in previous times, i would read it as the wife, and the relationship of Christ to the church was viewed as an aid to making my marriage better. but today i viewed the passage as the church. so, if the wife is to submit and respect her husband as the church is to Christ, why is that hard? i think it is hard (for most people) because we as the church don't have the proper respect for God. i know that seems harsh, but like most marriages, the roles that come naturally are not the ones we are commanded to do. follow me for a moment, it is easy (enough) for husbands to respect their wives, but to love them (as they are commanded) takes effort. the same goes for wives, to love is an easy thing, but respecting the husband is the area that does not come naturally. so, church, why is it easier for us to love God than to respect him? (maybe for you reading this it is easy, good, keep it up, but these are just my thoughts on the passage)
we should respect Christ for He is holy. it is hard to understand, but many Bible verses talk about fearing the Lord, which is just as important as loving Him. if we do not have a good example to follow as it would suggest in ephesians, then how will we know what a good marriage looks like? we as the church (married or not) should strive to respect Christ in all His wonder, for that is how the relationship should be.
we should respect Christ for He is holy. it is hard to understand, but many Bible verses talk about fearing the Lord, which is just as important as loving Him. if we do not have a good example to follow as it would suggest in ephesians, then how will we know what a good marriage looks like? we as the church (married or not) should strive to respect Christ in all His wonder, for that is how the relationship should be.
mom (what else can i say)
this post is dedicated to my mom. terry challenged me to think of things my mom taught me through the years and i realized that many of my attributes and values came from my parents' influence. i would share them but there are many, and some are too personal. but the funny one i remember is, my mom taught me not to ask obvious questions. whenever we asked my mom what she was doing, she would say "doing the laundry" and leave it at that even is she was really cooking or something like that. it would make us so mad that eventually we would figure out what she was doing before we asked. i realized how silly it was to ask someone what they are doing if i can clearly see what they are doing. just as a side note, the only time i would ask my mom what she was doing was when she actually was doing the laundry, then she didn't have an answer, we thought we were so smart!
the picture is the best picture of me and my mom together, and i love you mom!
proverbs 31.28-29 "Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her; 'Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.'" i pray that you rise up and bless your mom on this mother's day!
the picture is the best picture of me and my mom together, and i love you mom!
proverbs 31.28-29 "Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her; 'Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.'" i pray that you rise up and bless your mom on this mother's day!
be a screen-door
well, hello! i know it has been a long time (more than a week) since i have posted, but i have been away from coffee shops since then. i don't have internet at home, so the only time i post is at coffee shops or mike and mat's house. anyway, here it is, my week and my thoughts.
i went to graduation on friday, (no pictures, gowns never make you look good!) anyway, it was fun (surprising enough) and we had a lovely party that night with all the people i care about. sometimes i want to come up with a reason to just have a party like that all the time. sidenote= i was on the tramp (yes, and it was fun) and i received a burn on my elbow, like a rugburn but worse. it still hurts a week later. sidenote over.
saturday and sunday were "normal" for normal people (i didn't have homework to run off to), so we read and caught up on sleep.
that brings us to monday, tuesday, and wednesday. i would have come to the coffee shop, but i ended up staying home all those days and doing other things at night. (Bible study was fun, ryan and micah we miss you!)
okay so now today: i am reflecting on some comments from the todd agnew concert (monday night). that is what the screen-door is all about. he was talking about being more like Christ and discovering who He really was (not our made up sunday school version). anyway, a passage in john 10 is good for knowing who Christ is because He told His disciples who He was. read my Bible encouragement section for the verses (john 10: 9-10) todd agnew went through a very funny, yet challenging conversation with God about this passage, and he came to the conclusion that if Jesus is the door (to salvation and heaven), and we are to be like Him, how can we be the door also? we are not the door as Christ is, but we lead others to the door, by the way we live our lives. if we lead to the door and we are to be like Christ, then we must be the screen-door! i found this to be very good to think about. the concert has opened many new questions and challenges in my own life, if you ever have the chance to see todd agnew, do it! he talked more than he sang, but it was all great conversation and little tidbits that make you think.
so i pray that you, having already gone through the door, (if indeed you have) could help others to find the amazing love and joy we have in Christ. the abundant life He gives can be for everyone. oh, that we will let go of ourselves and look to Jesus who is our example for abundant living and live it!
bless His name, and it will not be long before my next post!
i went to graduation on friday, (no pictures, gowns never make you look good!) anyway, it was fun (surprising enough) and we had a lovely party that night with all the people i care about. sometimes i want to come up with a reason to just have a party like that all the time. sidenote= i was on the tramp (yes, and it was fun) and i received a burn on my elbow, like a rugburn but worse. it still hurts a week later. sidenote over.
saturday and sunday were "normal" for normal people (i didn't have homework to run off to), so we read and caught up on sleep.
that brings us to monday, tuesday, and wednesday. i would have come to the coffee shop, but i ended up staying home all those days and doing other things at night. (Bible study was fun, ryan and micah we miss you!)
okay so now today: i am reflecting on some comments from the todd agnew concert (monday night). that is what the screen-door is all about. he was talking about being more like Christ and discovering who He really was (not our made up sunday school version). anyway, a passage in john 10 is good for knowing who Christ is because He told His disciples who He was. read my Bible encouragement section for the verses (john 10: 9-10) todd agnew went through a very funny, yet challenging conversation with God about this passage, and he came to the conclusion that if Jesus is the door (to salvation and heaven), and we are to be like Him, how can we be the door also? we are not the door as Christ is, but we lead others to the door, by the way we live our lives. if we lead to the door and we are to be like Christ, then we must be the screen-door! i found this to be very good to think about. the concert has opened many new questions and challenges in my own life, if you ever have the chance to see todd agnew, do it! he talked more than he sang, but it was all great conversation and little tidbits that make you think.
so i pray that you, having already gone through the door, (if indeed you have) could help others to find the amazing love and joy we have in Christ. the abundant life He gives can be for everyone. oh, that we will let go of ourselves and look to Jesus who is our example for abundant living and live it!
bless His name, and it will not be long before my next post!
5 down, 0 to go!
yes, that's right. i am officially finished with spring semester 2006!!! i still have two classes this summer but they won't be anything compared to this sememster. i also will continue on sometime with the education program, but not for now!
so now you know, thanks to all of you for praying, i hope to see you sometime and just talk at the coffee shop instead of doing homework!
i'm off to take a much needed nap, and fix dinner for pete (it's been a long time)!
God's blessings on you,
so now you know, thanks to all of you for praying, i hope to see you sometime and just talk at the coffee shop instead of doing homework!
i'm off to take a much needed nap, and fix dinner for pete (it's been a long time)!
God's blessings on you,
2 down 3 to go!
i finished another test, and everything else will be completed tomorrow. i will take a test tomorrow at 7 am (how crazy) then another one sometime between 9 and 3. at 3 my senior thesis is due, and i am happy to say i am almost done. so that is all, hope to see you all soon!
1 down, 4 to go!
well, i am happy to say that i am officially done with my first final! it was pretty hard, it took an hour and a half of the two hours. but now it's done and i can focus on the up and coming finals looming in my future. so thanks for your prayers, i have one on tuesday, and two tests wednesday as well as my paper so please keep praying.
another note, many of you have blogged already about the twins, and i would like to say i am proud of my geography buddies. that's right, if the nfl didn't work out, they would have graduated in geography, lucky for them it did! anyway, keep them in your prayers at this time as well, this is so exciting, but they have a lot of big decisions to make.
i would also like to say bon'voyage to micah who leaves tomorrow for basic training! pray that he can stay strong in the Lord in the midst of all the ungodly things around him.
that's all for now, may you be blessed by knowing you are a child of the King, and no one can change that, not even you!
another note, many of you have blogged already about the twins, and i would like to say i am proud of my geography buddies. that's right, if the nfl didn't work out, they would have graduated in geography, lucky for them it did! anyway, keep them in your prayers at this time as well, this is so exciting, but they have a lot of big decisions to make.
i would also like to say bon'voyage to micah who leaves tomorrow for basic training! pray that he can stay strong in the Lord in the midst of all the ungodly things around him.
that's all for now, may you be blessed by knowing you are a child of the King, and no one can change that, not even you!
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