still here

hi guys, just a quick post to say i'm still here and alive. we are doing fine but i am really busy. i started my summer job this week so i am now working full time (close to overtime) and i haven't been to the coffee shop in a few days. surprisingly enough i'm doing just fine (i do stop in quick to get coffee though). as for my summer classes, one is done and only one more assignment in the online class yipee! so have a great day, i'm off to celebrate glendon's birthday with some close friends (i'm not sure who will be there, but it will be fun). bless you for reading this and i'll post something worth while soon.



Jan said...

Great Time last night. Whoonu

Ryan said...

hey tell everyone hi for me... you sound like your busy. i am keeping busy here too. its great though. tell glendon hi/happy birthday for me. have a good day.

Meredith said...

I was beginning to wonder if we would every see another blog from you again. I'm glad that you're doing well even though you're just as busy as ever.
How are things coming on the house?I'm a little bit out of touch!
Have a really good week and keep the posts coming.