All my life I've grown up calling today "Easter Sunday." At church people say, "Happy Easter!" and I reply, "Yes, to you too" or even "Happy Easter" back to them. I've never been one who cares what the secular holiday is referred to - like "Merry Christmas" versus "Happy Holidays" I'm not the one to correct anyone but I will say Merry Christmas over the other, every time. But Easter has always been Easter and until recently I hadn't cared. But in my mind, I now call it "Resurrection Sunday" I won't say, "Happy Resurrection Sunday!" to people as I leave church, but my mind and soul need to be reminded.
I think it has especially been this way in the last few years. Teaching my kids about what this day is and why we are so excited just doesn't mean anything to them if all we say is, "Today is Easter and it's a time to celebrate" no, I need to share the gospel with them all the time but especially to give today the importance it is due.
This year I partook a little bit in the practice of Lent. I made it my own - as any baptist kid would do. I scaled back on my social media involvement as a way to gain some time back. But I've learned through all the devotions/sermons/books/blogs that it's not what you give up but more about what you devote yourself to. I started a few reading plans on the YouVersion Bible app that focus your heart during the Lenten season. I read a book called 1000 Gifts - a dare to live fully right where you are. This book has impacted my life greatly and I am so thankful God brought it to my life during this time. I have even been moved greatly by The Bible Series on the history channel - yes, it's true. I love seeing the realistic portrayal of the Bible and Jesus' life.
I am excited that tomorrow is April and the smells of spring are in the air. It is a way for me to move into the next season of life and start fresh with God. To give myself over to the Holy Spirit and let God lead in my life. Of all the devotions and blogs, ect... that I have read recently, this Why He came, a Good Friday reflection: the one-piece life stuck out as a calling to live my life differently. No longer separate with home, kids, church, family, and me but all one piece of my life to live holy for Jesus. I pray it will encourage you to live the same.
He is Risen!
Is the Bible series something that would be worth buying? I haven't seen it since we don't have cable/dish but I'm interested in watching it. How did you watch it, is it on hulu or something?
p.s. I'm laughing that we both titled our Easter posts "Resurrection Sunday."
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