that is what i came away with this Christmas. below is a picture collage of our fun and some of our new toys... we had Christmas dinner with my parents, and carrie came too. the first is a blurry picture that carrie took but we liked it a lot. pete took the picture of the candle, well done. the next picture is of my brother craig (i don't know if i have put a picture of him on here before?) the last picture of dinner was taken by pete of our table, my parents, and the shiny trees in the background. the next pictures are the actual opening of presents, pete received an ipod speaker dock that works great in our house (thank-you) and i received a shiny pink ipod that i love (thanks to pete) the last picture is for documentation purposes. we ate at home last night with carrie cooking most of it, i helped.
anyway, hope you enjoy the collage, have a great day.