what a world, what a world

hey, i'm back to blogging! our lives have changed quite a bit in the last week, thus my abscence from the internet.

we are now in our new house! yeah, all moved in except for a couple boxes. so thank-you to my parents and pete's parents, krishnan's, lanie and josh, both grandparents (peters and gomperts) aunt lori, mike, glendon, mat, seth, sarah. also those who helped move boxes, the same above, and jesse, brock, whitney, kelli, sabrina and travis, terry, suzy, carnahans, and mindy. we are so grateful for your help in our crazy extreme home makeover!

we are truly blessed to have so many friends and relatives to help pete and i finally move in. it was better than any television make- over show even without ty pennington. micah, we wish you were here, but you can help us add a wrap-around porch some day!

i start work officially on monday the 14th. i am teaching one 9th grade geography, one 10th grade world civilizations, and the jr. high life skills class. i'm not into the planning enough to be scared yet, but i will be by tomorrow.

pray for me to be able to do a good job teaching those kids and pray that i can be a light for God while i'm there. i also want to be better at managing my time and continue working out.

thanks for being a part of our lives, we are going to have an open house type bbq so you can see our new house! sometime around aug. 19th. i'll tell you more later



melissa o said...

YAY! Congrats on the new house!

When are you and Pete coming out to Minneapolis?

Sarah said...

extreme home makeover! that was so much fun!

Meredith said...

Praise the Lord and congratulations!!! Can't wait to see it!

Kimber said...

I am so glad you have finally been able to move into your home!
I can't wait to see it, I don't even know where it is at.