do you glow?

i have been reading a new book. p.t. gave it to me for graduation, and it is really good. it is called just like Jesus by max lucado. i am currently on chapter six, and it is about worship and preparing our hearts. he talks about matt. 17:1-5 where Jesus takes three disciples up on the mountain and they witness His transfiguration. max lucado uses this as Jesus' time of worship. i know it very well could be, but that part is not very well thought of in context, but it works for his point. the point is, do you prepare for worship? do you pray and get adequate sleep, do you come to church half awake and leave the same way? these things caught my attention because so often i go to church and leave the same way. but one thing i drew from the chapter was the fact that other people notice when we are truly worshipping. Our worship should be authentic and our face should "change" because of it. not litterally become shining like Jesus', but there should be a difference in our outlook. max lucado suggests that our worship can sometimes be evangelistic or the opposite. how we worship can make others want to know more about this God we are praising, or make them indifferent because we look so glum during the service, like we can't wait to leave.

i challenge you to truly prepare your hearts tomorrow and every sunday. it is hard for me too, but if we come into the worship service expecting nothing to change, nothing will. to quote p.t. (yes it's true we really can repeat his sayings like robots, but is that bad?)
"God is doing exactly in your life what you expect Him to by faith, nothing more, nothing less."
we need to expect a lot from God and we need to give a lot to God. so please join me in making an effort to worship God tomorrow in church more than i have lately. i don't know about you, but it is God who changes our hearts, but we must give Him our time and attention.

may you be encouraged in your worship times tomorrow, and let me know how it goes!


micah said...

amy! that's really cool. that kinda hits home with me being on the worship team and all. a lot of time i don't take time to prepare and i'm the one who asked to do it! in front of people too. anyway, cool thought. i'd like to hear what you have to say about the rest of it. talk to you sooner than we think.

Sarah said...

i want to read that book when you're finished! a lot of the time i find myself doing that with the worship team and all. it's tough. but i'm tough. jk

micah said...

speaking of worship, i have a surprise for you! i just ordered a sick little drum. well, i guess its good size. 14 by 27. it is an ashiko, a nigerian drum. real skin head,(with the hair and all) rope tune, cone shap, cool looking drum. i also got a good shaker. i sent them home so when my mom gets them you'll know. i hope you have fun with them. (btw i broke all the buying a new drum rules of not letting anybody play it first just for OVCC, you and brent) well..gotta go. have fun!!!!