Ogden Valley Community Church

I am thrilled to report, a few weeks ago, we finally held our first worship service in our new church building! The process has been long (over two years of actively going through the building process) and filled with many unknowns and waiting but the Lord has provided a wonderful place for us to gather as a church and worship His name! 

"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."

I have so many pictures of the building as it was being built and someday I'll make a link to an album instead of a blog post for those. These pictures are from our first Sunday service. I was able to sing on the worship team the first week and it was so amazing to see the many faces I know as well as the many who were visiting and curious. Whatever reason they chose to join us that morning, I pray they saw our desire to make God known and experienced His love and left our church encouraged. We serve a God of grace and truth and we want to give His grace and truth to others. 

  "Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood."

So, let me take you on a tour - it's not of the whole building, simply the places of which I took pictures. There are also some unfinished areas of the church that you may notice - we're still working on some things. 

Chairs and stage set; ready to start the service
View from the stage. 
My dad, in the sound booth - a place he enjoys and has been serving for most of my life. 
Attempted panorama of people getting ready to worship
During the welcoming by Jen. Photo credit: Zach Campbell
So many cars! It let us know we need to be better prepared for winter snow. 
More cars and the beautiful benches that James made for his Eagle Scout project!
Nursery Room for our kids that are two years old and under
Preschool Class
Elementary Class
More elementary kids and helper

Not pictured: A photo of the youth group class. They meet at 9:30 am (while I was in music practice) 

Pastor Terry, I am so thankful that God brought his family to Utah and to our community. 

My prayer for our church, as we continue ministry in this valley where we are established, is that we will seek the Lord and His ways. May our hearts desire to follow His leading and seek out ways to show His glory to those inside our church and out. That we will be known for our love and desire to show God's greatness. I want to be used for God's kingdom and to be seen as a peaceful help in the body of Christ. I am praying that God brings us the lost and hurting and they can find rest and peace for their souls. May our light that comes from the Holy Spirit shine in the communities around us and may our gentleness be evident to all

"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good  for his steadfast love endures forever!"

Ogden Valley Community Church  for address and additional information

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