in the past twenty days, i have... (in the order they pop into my head)
stayed in the hospital as a patient for the first time since i was born
needed stitches for the first time in my life
lost over 10 pounds in one day!
worn pants every day but today (because of my freak hives that developed shortly after delivery)
changed at least 90 diapers
switched to a 24 hour schedule - i decided to start a new day at midnight, just like the clocks do, so if i feed her at 11pm that is still today. if i wake up at 4am to feed her, that begins the next day.
learned to cram everything into 2 hour increments between feedings
not learned how to take shorter showers or save time getting ready
worn flip flops every day (mostly because of the hives/rash/itchiness)
been to the coffee shop 2x - once by myself and once with jane (maybe a 3rd time today)
only needed to fill up the gas tank once!
heard many, many, many people comment on how much hair jane has (yes it's true, God makes babies with hair too)
not made dinner once (my wonderful husband or other nice people have done that for me)
kept current on my Bible reading - for the most part. i am one day behind as of today (just started 2 chronicles, solomon is king and in acts, peter just healed the lame man "who went walking, and leaping, and praising God") yet fallen way behind on my journal of jane (currently still in the hospital delivery room as far as the journal is concerned)
realized that it is much easier to quickly update my status on facebook than write a whole blog post - sorry, it will get better, i hope.
slept through the whole night once! go jane
been blessed with the best family and friends who are there for us all the time
been given the best husband and new baby - and all the responsibility that goes with it will become normal with time
enjoyed cuddle time with jane after she eats, and bedtime kisses from me and pete
realized that now, more than ever, i have to really work at making time to pray and spend time with God. that part is becoming easier too.
so, there are many more things, but that is just a glimpse into what i have been up to the past twenty days! thank you for reading and good day to you.