2008 - 50th post (almost)

hi friends. this was supposed to be posted in 2008 as my last post of the year. instead it will be the first post of 2009. i was busy and not near the internet on the 31st; yesterday was a day of new wood floor (pictures coming soon) and shopping with mom, then i got sick last night. all day today i felt pretty crappy and did not blog. so here is a post almost just to post but i will try to fill you in on what would have been a well thought out reflection of 2008 and a good look ahead to 2009. 

2008- did it seem that this year just went by so fast? i am amazed at how fast things happened and flew by. we saw ups and downs of 2008 such that i have never experienced before in my life. i can say that God is good and i am learning to trust Him with everything i experience. the first part of the year was heartbreaking with the miscarriage of my first pregnancy, but God took care of us and is still teaching us His will in that situation. 

the summer was filled with new opportunities for me. i attended two training "seminars" to further help my teaching. one being a month long in june to help me teach writing in my subject and use it as a helpful tool in learning. i now have a new group of supportive teachers because of the writing project. july came with a mission trip to jamaica with 12 other people from our church and 20 or so more from california and new hampshire. i had a great time experiencing the jamaican culture and climate. i hope that i can continue to reflect on things i learned about myself and God's plan for those who are less fortunate than i and to always be available to help in whatever way God calls me to. 

school started again in august and i am working harder this year than i ever have. i currently teach four different classes, geography, world civilizations, academic decathlon, and sat/act prep, college prep classes. i enjoy teaching, but i hope to never teach this many preps again. 

october brought good news for me and pete because we found out i am pregnant! we announced it to friends and family in november and i told people at chs in december. so far everything is going great, i am now 17 wks along and my doctor is taking great care of us. i have been able to have an ultrasound every appointment so far. at our last appointment we found out that baby g is probably a little girl! this new part of our lives obviously takes up a lot of my thoughts but i am still working and doing whatever i can to remain "normal" but a lot is changing and it is great. i still fit in most of my pants of which i am grateful, at the same time, i can't wait to wear maternity clothes. 

God is teaching me more now about how to trust and live for His glory than ever. 

2009 - obviously thoughts of 2009 are filled with becoming new parents in june. i want to be able to work as long as i can, possibly until the end of the school year. pete and i have a new year's resolution (which i don't think is the right way to say it or if it is, then the new year has the resolution, not me) which is to read the Bible through this year. 

i would like you to be a part of my new year by praying for our health, especially for baby g. and praying for our walk with God to grow along with our friendships.  

thanks for reading, amy 

bella - one year, flew by so fast

our bella dog has been ours for one year now. we brought her home last thanksgiving (i am barely blogging about it now) when she was just a puppy and now she is one year old. i have some pictures of her from the puppy days to now. she's a lot scragglier now, but we love her. we are still trying to teach her not to jump on people but she is a lot calmer than she used to be. she's a good dog for me and pete. 

break time!

i am officially on Christmas break! our school gets two whole weeks this year and i am so excited. my break is quickly filling with parties and cleaning and school work, but i will make time to see friends who are in town and those who i see all the time. i have a long to do list, but most of it is my choice anyway. i hope you can find at least some days off to enjoy those close to you and remember God's choice to leave His place in heaven and come to earth for us. 

if you have any suggestions for a song i could sing with a few other girls at the Christmas eve service i would love to hear them (yes i am a bit behind but planning to tackle it saturday and sunday) i am thinking - o come o come Emmanuel, or what child is this? or something else, i don't really know. 

upcoming post = bella is one year old! 

camera is back!

finally i can blog about what i have wanted to. our camera broke and we recently got it back. so now you can see some pictures of our "new" kitchen. we got a new stove and a microwave! plus, now my mixer fits on the counter! woohoo

this is the before picture. right after we moved in (about 2 1/2 years ago):

and this is the after: (not much changed but it looks so much better)
our beautiful sink and it's friend crockpot
the red mixer finally has enough space on the counter! 
view from the living room. 
thank-you, come again