baby bella

pete and i recently bought a puppy! her name is bella and she is beautiful (thus the name). she is an australian shepherd/black lab mix but mostly australian shepherd. She has one blue eye one brown and a natural bob tail. we love her but it is a lot of work!

i feel like we have a two year old. the cute infant stage lasted two days, and we were only there for one of them. (we bought her and then went out of town for thanksgiving while my parents and sister watched her)

now she is in the bite everything that moves stage and we are working on potty training. she is doing pretty good but we have to watch her like a hawk and i don't get anything done while she is out of her carrier.

here are some pictures, the rest will come later (it is difficult to take good pictures of a constantly moving dog)

in one month

one month and i will be finished with school! i am in my last semester of the education program at weber state and i cannot wait to finish! as i look ahead, this month could be the last time i have to write a paper, the last journal i have to turn in, the last time i have to update my portfolio... and on it goes. that is of course if i do not continue and get a masters. i am currently undecided on that issue, but i am thinking at least not for a while.

as i look back, i realized that except for the summers, there has not been a time when i was not in school - since i was 5! that is about 19 years of my life! i enjoy school, which is perhaps why i went to college and became a teacher. i will miss going to class and listening to lectures, but i will be so glad to finally "arrive" and join the adults in a career and feel a little more grown up.

to all of you who helped me through the past 5 years of my life, thank you! i am grateful for all the times we went to the coffee shop, pretending to study. i am grateful for the talks about issues that i was confused on and you helped me better understand. i am also grateful for the fun things we did when it seemed like all i ever did was homework.

thank you especially to pete and my parents because you saw me when i was grumpy and upset or really tired because i procrastinated and had to stay up late which only made me more mad at myself. you are so good to me even when i am grumpy or ungrateful (thanks for everything, now we do not have any college debt!)

so thanks, God is so good to me and i pray that He can help you through what you are striving for just like He helps me!

love, amy