"Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat! please put a penny in the old man's hat. if you have no penny, a ha' penny will do. if you have no ha' penny then God bless you." that is the song that immediately pops into my head if i hear the words, "Christmas is coming." but, as silly as that is, i am happy to say, now, my brain quickly moves past the song to more serious things like advent. advent is a season of anticipating Christ's coming. not only remembering His coming to earth in bethlehem but in looking forward to His coming again to bring His kingdom to earth and reign forever - and ever, hallelujah, hallelujah! hallelujah... and He shall reign forever and ever! - right, you know you were singing it as you read along....
any-who, I hope you can take time this month to read God's word and dwell on what it means for us that He would humble himself and come to earth to dwell and redeem us all.
Merry Christmas