over new years (actually new years day) pete, his parents and brother put a wood floor in our living room and hallway. i went shopping with my mom because we weren't sure how the glue would affect the baby (turns out it was probably fine but it was fun to shop.) that night was memorable for another reason because pete and i went to ihop for dinner and i became violently ill - see snippets. anyway i thought i would post some pictures of our house. the only room i didn't have was our messy bedroom (i might find an old picture.) so i will try to put them in some sort of order, but i hate uploading photos on here because it is a pain and a bit annoying that i have to think backwards because that is how they load.
old picture of master bedroom (notice the moving box) but the paint, dresser and bedspread are all the same.
thank you for joining me on the tour of our house. the new kitchen pictures were in a previous post dec. 2008. have a great day/night/afternoon/morning/whenever you are reading this.